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Truth in advertising? These look like medical symbols. They're not; they're insurance symbols. |
Two words in the English vernacular that should never have
been joined together are health and insurance. An industry that already found
ways to detach people from their money by having them bet against their homes,
businesses, automobiles and lives decided they could get people to bet against
staying healthy. When premiums no longer provided the huge margin of profit the
industry had grown to expect they started throwing curves at their customers.
“Oh sorry, we can’t have you as a client, you are sick.” If you weren’t so intimidated that you
responded with, “But, that’s why I purchased your product in the first place,”
you probably only received the retort, “However, you didn’t tell us about this
latent tendency of yours, (insert here: diabetes, muscular dystrophy,
Parkinson’s, et.al.); I’m afraid it’s a pre-existing condition.”
Now, as almost anyone reading this blog knows, the
Affordable Care Act or Obamacare disallows the use of pre-existing condition as
a method of refusing coverage. It’s still the big flaw with our supposed
national healthcare plan: insurance. They’ll just jack the premiums and
continue. Ever wonder why the World Health Organization (WHO) ranks the U.S. 38th
in quality of healthcare, but 1st in per capita cost of healthcare?
My answer: Insurance!
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How much does this procedure cost? |
Most people can tell you what their grocery bill and the gym
cost them. I mention these items, because food and exercise are generally
considered what keeps a person healthy. On the other hand, almost nobody knows
what an MRI or gall bladder surgery costs. As with groceries and gym facilities
there is some variance. However, recent investigations have found hospitals
within a few miles radius charging ten times as much for the same procedure.
Why didn’t the patient check? Unlike food and exercise, the medical world
doesn’t tell you what something costs. They only tell you if your insurance
will cover it. There it is, again. In the treatment portion of healthcare the
consumer is not expected to ask for a menu, like in a restaurant, or a price
list, as you might when your car is being repaired. All a patient/consumer
needs is coverage and the ability to cover the deductible.
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Can you decipher this bill? |
Now, don’t get me wrong, under the current system I am
grateful for the insurance plan I have. My good friend, Mike, tells me I have a
Cadillac plan because I was a teacher. He may be right. For example, last month
I finally realized I needed hearing aids and the audiologist told me my
insurance company covered them completely. I was shocked, but then realized it
was about the same amount as the 10 months of premiums we have been paying
since we retired and have to pay the difference between the single plan
provided retirees and the family plan we need.
For the past couple months I have been fighting with my
insurance company to pay the pharmacy for my regular cholesterol medication.
They fight with me every year because I found one that actually reduces its
level. Unfortunately, the generic does not. So, my doctor has to give “prior
authorization” every time. At times like these I’d prefer the Ford, Chevy or
whatever model gets me results. Do you really think the government could screw
it up any worse? Am I truly un-American because I don’t want the insurance
company giving me a heart attack? If you’re an agent, go back to life, home or
The healthcare system is based on third party payer. There's no personal responsibilty in the formula. Insurance companies have to put restraints on costs, otherwise premiums would be many times higher. Government run healthcare will also limit benefits, and those will be based on political consideration. Insurance companies are the only adults in the room. Apparently liberals haven't graduated from the school of common sense.
Liberals? I thought it was conservatives who wanted to save money. We spend nearly one in every five dollars for healthcare. The French pay less than one in ten. Their healthcare, which is government run, ranks #1 according to WHO. We're 38th. Why do you want to keep paying premiums? Who are the adults?
The French, the French, the French... These idiots just increased their marginal tax rate to 75%. They're chasing away productive citizens and I doubt if you know what you're talking about regarding French healthcare. The French economy is in shambles laden with unsustainable debt, how the hack can they a viable healthcare system when they're bankrupt? The American system is by far the best, we get the best care in the world, you don't know what you're saying. The reason it's expensive is because of government intervention and third party payer. If the morons in this country let free enterprise healthcare alone, costs will come and the care would consistently improve. Government is the problem not the solution, never was and never will be. You simply have no clue what a free unencumbered economy can do. Apparently you think that all the "toys", appliances in your house were produced by the government. Just imagine if they were, you'd still be watching television on 19 inch B/W screen. Just leave tell Obama, leave healthcare alone. The Obama Healthcare plan is a monumental boondoggle.
Stop making things up! The U.S. system is nowhere near the best. All right, so you don't like the French. Pick any of the next 35 systems.
Read the article by American capitalists in Business Insider. I didn't make up these statistics, but obviously you think you can. Fortunately, both of my readers know better.
You personally have the best healthcare in the world, no other system comes close. Your problem is you don't appreciate what you have and as a typical liberal you're an incessant complainer. You even have the gall to complain about your cholesterol medication as proof that health insurance companies are not reasonable. The French and everyone else on earth should have your problem. You've got it made my friend. If you needed an MRI you'd have no problems getting one tomorrow. Most other countries you'd have to wait weeks or months. If you needed heart surgery you'd be in a hospitable tomorrow with the best doctors and care on earth and all you do is complain. You're just an ungrateful human being. And Obama and his so called "Care" is going to destroy our healthcare system. And you know what, you'll complain that Bush did it or some other nonsense, anything not to take responsibility. The reason healthcare is expensive is because of government meddling for the past 40 years. Of course the truth will never change your mind because you have a Socialist agenda. You're simply not in touch with reality.
Still making things up. Did you read the article? I would love to believe what you say is true, but I'm afraid you're not as credible as your capitalist friends at Business Insider or at WHO. Are they all Socialists, too? BTW, my insurance finally came through on their agreement to pay for my cholesterol meds, but they sent me to the local pharmacy. I usually get a 90 day supply through mail order, but had to pay the same $40 co-pay for 30 pills at the local pharmacy. That's more than a dollar a day. I could buy a real Cadillac for that, and I know a thing or two about them. See my June 27, 2013 post.
My claim is that you, personally, get the best care in the world. You say that you don't. Your proof is that your cholesterol medication is an issue for your carrier, but they did agree, eventually, to pay for the brand name prescription. So what's the problem? And you're still complaining. What motivation would a bureaucrat have under Obama Care to pay for brand name cholesterol medication. How about none, zero, nada. Yes, Mark, the government really cares about you. I've got a bridge for sale, you'd be a perfect candidate, it's called the sucker bridge. BTW, there's an excise tax coming on your cadillac health insurance, complements of Obama. I've told you time and again, you're a communist, you don't understand the power of competition and free markets.
Do you have a problem with math? Let's see. I was paying $40 for 90 days. Now, I am paying $40 for 30 days. At my elementary school that means my cost tripled. If you check, you will see that in Israel, Canada and France there is a wide assortment of cholesterol reducing medication available, and their tax paying communist citizens don't have any out of pocket expense. I do understand and believe in the power of competition and free markets, and just like in education, disaster relief, and security forces, private enterprise should be allowed to compete alongside of free health care. Take insurance out of the equation and your concierge doctors may have a chance.
ReplyDelete$40.00 for thirty days is a bargain. Your fantasy is that free healthcare is free. Nonsense, "there's no such thing as a free lunch", Milton Friedman. You don't have a right to brand name cholesterol medication. The government (I'm part of the government along with the rest of the people) does not have the responsibility to keep your cholesterol down. It's your responsibility and only yours. At the same time I don't expect that you pay for my medications. Healthcare is not a right, apparently Pelosi thinks it is, and you're, my friend, are in good company with that nutcase. I've told you many times and soon you'll learn when the non-Afordable Care Act begins, you'll see a major backlash against it because premiums will increase dramatically, especially on younger people. The theory of Obama Care is that all Americans will take part, and those who are healthy now - predominantly young people who don't require much care - will carry the burden for the sicker in the population and premiums will be "reasonable". Young people who are struggling to make auto, house, credit cards... payments will be resentful for paying higher premiums and I doubt they'll stand for it. These young people will be forced unto the exchanges and without competition to bring costs down. This is social engineering and eventually will fall flat on its face. Socialized medicine or any socialized institutions eventually self destruct. The Canadian, Israeli, British, French systems do not serve patients well. Long lines and long waits for service are the rule and patients are not treated well. My coworker is Canadian and his mother received terrible care in Canadian hospitals. At one hospital they didn't accommodate her with a pillow and the bureaucracy is cumbersome and ineffectual. Israelis are frequent visitors to Milwaukee for surgical heart operations at St Luke's hospital and they pay out of pocket. The healthcare in America is not comparable anywhere else. The problem we suffer here, is that people who are products of the public school education don't seem to have the smarts and common sense in taking care of themselves. In Milwaukee 14% of high school students are basically illiterate and 46% barely make the grade. Because of government handout we're becoming a third world nation. Detroit is a perfect example. It's all because of liberal policies for the past 50 years. BTW all failed cities are lead by Dems and Rudolph Giuliani - a great Republican - turned NY around. Mark, you don't have an argument for socialized healthcare so give it up, you'll be the wiser for it. Only, free market solutions are the key to affordable healthcare.
You're so right. Obviously, the same free market that made our country's healthcare the most expensive 38th ranked plan in the world will solve the problem. That's simply genius.